I have been working on a spreadsheet where I can input data for multiple options and it spit out the best value for the list. As an example, cars. You are car shopping, you have 10 different cars you are looking at, each with different mileage, different price, different years, which one is the best value? I am having trouble with the formula.
Right now I am looking at which Machine Learning model is the best based on the amount of processes it runs for the lowest amount of RAM it uses and i can crack it, see below:
Model Macs Memory Score 1 542.13 4299 18.63% 2 7.58 801 1.40% 3 7.47 801 1.38% 4 119.65 1015 0.99% 5 63.65 935 -2.59%
Which model is best for the most amount of macs for the least memory? Column E2 formula is =(C2/MAX(C:C)+1/(D2/MIN(D:D)))-1. Can anyone confirm if this is the best way to do this, because #2 and #3 cant be the right macs for memory. any advice is helpful.
with cars, which one below is the best deal when you have three sets of data to look at and two have a positive correlation (miles and price, you want the lowest miles for the lowest price) and the other factor is has a negative correlation (you want the highest year for the lowest price or lowest miles) considering absolutely no other details about them.
Car Miles Year Price 1 73055 2013 14,900 2 34000 2013 17,900 3 92000 2014 15,000 4 50000 2014 16,000 5 40000 2013 13,000