I need an Excel formula to divide money into groups based on percentages (like 5%, 12%, and 18%). Each group has a set amount of money to divide. I want to split that money randomly between different rows, but make sure the total for each percentage group adds up to its original amount. After splitting it randomly, I also need to adjust each amount slightly so they're proportional to a final overall total.
Ex: 5% ₹1,02,31,456.95 to be distributed wherever there is 5% rate in % column. Please help
Tried this formula: IF(B35=5,RAND()*$E$24/COUNTIF($B$35:$B$85,5),IF(B35=12,RAND()*$F$24/COUNTIF($B$35:$B$85,12),IF(B35=18,RAND()*$G$24/COUNTIF($B$35:$B$85,18),0)))
but couldn't get it working.
Thank you.