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Help with Formula

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    Post Help with Formula


    I have a problem with creating a formula for 2 tables in one file in excel.

    I have a task to do where there will be a calculation, adding up the numbers in Column F3 to F28 for a specific person located in Column A3 to A28, based on whether the number in Columns C32 to C109 has a status in Columns F32 to F109 called “Sukces”, if it has a different status then it is not to include the number in the total for the specific person.

    I tried 2 formulas:
    =SUMIFS(Table2!C32:C109, Table2!A3:A28, A2, Table2!F32:F109, “Success”)
    =SUMPRODUCT((Table2!A3:A28 = A2) * (Table2!F32:F109 = “Success”) * (Table2!C32:C109))
    but they don't work

    below i give a screenshot of the tables, and the table file

    Zrzut ekranu 2024-12-16 220607.png
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