Hello Excel Community,
I'm currently developing a project tool in Excel, where I'm trying to create a dynamic Status Report for milestones in a Gantt chart setup.
In the Status Report sheet, I have two tables: one for Completed Milestones and another for Pending Milestones. The goal is to automatically pull in relevant data based on the status of milestones from the Project Timeline sheet.
Issue Summary:
I'm experiencing a problem where the last milestone in my Project Timeline (ID 17) is not displaying values under the Comment, Status, and Progress (%) columns in the Pending Milestones table.
Current Behaviour:
ID 4 and 15: Information displays correctly across all headers.
ID 17: Only Task Name, and End Date are showing up, while the Comment, Status, and Progress (%) fields remain blank.
Here's the formula I used for the Pending Milestones table for the fields in question:
Comment (D23): =IFERROR(UNIQUE(FILTER(IF('Project Timeline'!M3:M50<>"",'Project Timeline'!M3:M50,""), ('Project Timeline'!$C3:$C50="Milestone") * ('Project Timeline'!$L3:$L50<>"Complete"))), "")
Status (E23): =IFERROR(UNIQUE(FILTER('Project Timeline'!L3:L50, ('Project Timeline'!$C3:$C50="Milestone") * ('Project Timeline'!$L3:$L50<>"Complete"))), "")
Progress (%) (F23): =IFERROR(UNIQUE(FILTER('Project Timeline'!K3:K50, ('Project Timeline'!$C3:$C50="Milestone") * ('Project Timeline'!$L3:$L50<>"Complete"))), "")
Request for Help:
Can anyone help me troubleshoot why the Comment, Status, and Progress (%) fields are not capturing data for the last milestone? Is there something in my formula or setup that might be causing this discrepancy?
I have included a clean version of the tool I am building, should this help. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!
G. Costa Pinto