This is my first post and I'm hoping for some help with XLOOKUP, table references, and looking from one to another sheet.
I want to make a formula that will produce the Subtask Name (from the Project Info Table on a different sheet which has Task and Subtask Numbers and Names) based on the Task Number and Subtask Number entered on my Task Tracking Table.
The simpler Task Name formula, which produces the Task Name from the Project Info Table based on only the Task Number, works as expected.
The problem I'm having is the formulas in Table1, Subtask Name (G4:G10) on the Task Tracking sheet on the uploaded document. I need to use table references because the Project Info Table (Table2) must be a table-in the actual document it is a power query table so depending on the project being queried, it could be different sizes. In the actual document, I've made the data types and formats "Text" for all the Task Number and Subtask Number fields to allow leading zeroes because that's the output from the query. I wrote all the formulas for ranges that aren't tables to troubleshoot, and these work, so I think I'm making some mistake in table references?
Any information will be helpful. I would be happy with XLOOKUP, MATCH/INDEX, or any other solution. Thanks!
Matt VB