I am trying to find all the clock in/clock out data for an employee, "Joe". I need to have all his clock in/out information transferred to another sheet to make it easier to read. I am trying to make it so that if column B from the Joe Tracker sheet matches a date on the Attendance sheet, it would transfer the clock in and clock out times from the attendance sheet into the Tracker sheet. The "extra" problem is that the attendance sheet may have multiple entries for the same date due to breaks taken, but not all of them will have it, and some will have more than 1 break notated.
Lines 3 and 4 on the tracker sheet have been filled in manually with the information, note that the break time for lunch (it is always from 12:30 to 13:00, but other times can be noted) was not clocked out by the employee even though the break was taken, and I entered it manually. 04/19/2024 has also been filled in since it was a 2 break day and has 3 lines on the Attendance sheet.