Hi everyone,
I'm planning to create a dashboard without pivot tables due to limitations of Excel's macOS version, therefore I won't be able to create a relationship between two different large datasets, which leads me to use formulas and function to perform counts, sums and average summaries for individuals and entire teams. The dashboard must have a dropdown that drills down the data based on Departments, Supervisors, Agents, Months, Fiscal Month and Fiscal Weeks.
On the auxiliary tab is where I want to apply all the calculations and use the Dashboard to pull the data using dropdown and populate the tables with filters, equals, xlookup, etc.
Upon changing the selector (dropdown), the sums, counts and averages on the auxiliary tab must change with it. I was thinking about using SUMPRODUCT, however when I leave on selector in blank, it doesn't return a value. I tried to fix it using IF and IFS but with no success. Could someone help me with this?
Also there's a table named 'progression' which I would like some help as well, for this one I'm planning to input the supervisor name on D10 and the agent list (D15:D38) would fill automatically and adjust dynamically based on the supervisor's team size of agents. I got stuck on this part and trying to figure out how to apply a conditional formula based on target value, for instance a AHT (average handle time) greater than 20 would be off target and should be colored as red, however we have different indicator which a high value is something good (on target), for example a satisfaction greater than 85% would be on target and colored in green. So this would be the conflict on this part.