Hi, I need help to formulate a daily flight schedule from a yearly flight schedule received from an airline. The table below (Dummy data, as the original is very large) is the yearly flight schedule with weekly frequency, where 1 = Mon, 2 = Tue, 3 = Wed, and so on. Now I want to make a daily schedule table from it like the second table below by formulating it.
Flight No. DEP. TIME ARV. STA. Date From Date till Frequency
ZZZ 10:05 DEF 01May24 17Jun24 1234567
ZZZ 10:05 DEF 18Jun24 07Jul24 34567
ZZZ 10:05 DEF 08Jul24 14Jul24 13467
MMM 10:05 DEF 01May24 11Aug24 23467
MMM 10:05 DEF 12Aug24 18Aug24 134567
For example, as you can see, flight MMM also starts from 01 May like ZZZ but with frequency starting from Tuesday. So on 7 May, it's only ZZZ but on Tuesday 08 May both are shown.
Date Flight No. Dep. Time Arrival Sta.
07 May 2024 ZZZ 10:05 DEF
08 May 2024 ZZZ 10:05 DEF
08 May 2024 MMM 10:05 DEF
09 May 2024 ZZZ 10:05 DEF
Is there any way, I can automatically create the second table from 1st in Excel? All help will be highly appreciated. Thank you.