
I'm trying to achieve to get the number on the top of a column.
Firstly, I got the basic formula for getting the top numbers with: =LARGE(Table!C2:AJ2; 1) It is 26,86567 and I want the number on top of it's column which is 33.

I tried to get the number on top of the column with: =LARGE(OFFSET(Table!C2:AJ2; -1; 0; 1; 1); 1)
The problem with this is it wants to offset from the start of the reference and it is getting 2 because that is above the C2 cell.

I thought if I switch the functions then it will solve the problem but it is not working because of an error.
=OFFSET(LARGE(Table!C2:AJ2; 1); -1; 0; 1; 1)

Also, I cannot get a result If I want to check for the 2nd 3rd etc numbers in the LARGE function. I think the second and third step is in connection that is why it is not working.

Maybe would there be any method to not just offset with X rows or columns but automatically check for the highest or 'leftest' cells?

Excel forum OFFSET help.xlsx