I have a report that shows entries for employees and corresponding start/end dates. The number of rows per employee is variable.
I am trying to find out where dates are continuous for each employee across all rows for that employee and if they are continuous, then I want to see the number of months between those continuous dates.
For example: in the attached fiile, the first row end date is 31/7/22 , the second row start date for that employee is 01/2/23, so that is not a continuous date range, so I would not want to see the number of months between that date range. However, the start date for that employee in row 3 is 01/01/24, this is a continuation from the end date in row 2 for that employee, and their end date in row 3 is 31/03/24. So I would want to see an indicator that shows "Continuous" and a calculation of how many months there are between those continuous dates. Eg from 01/01/23 to 31/03/24 in this example it would be 14 months.
Appreciate any help that you can provide