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I need to identify that all the diags listed to the left are captured in the New Diags

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    Question I need to identify that all the diags listed to the left are captured in the New Diags

    IdentifyDuplicateswithcdeandhghlght (1).xlsx

    I had an issue previously however this is a little different. I need to identify out of 24 diags that are in a in row (starting at A2:X2) that they are also captured in the New Diag listing(starting at z2:aw). There are multiple duplicates and blank spaces. I would like to identify the ones where there are unique ones per row and highlight just those and have those values identified in a rows to the left. ie... i10, e039
    Last edited by rzcb; 01-29-2024 at 08:10 AM.

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