We're currently using SUMPRODUCT to update daily cash receipts, but the raw data is always in the same workbook as the formulas. We have over 100 workbooks that are set up like this. We've been using a macro to copy and paste the sheet with the raw data into a specific sheet in each workbook each day, which is being referenced by the formula. We've started having problems using this method, so now I'm trying to change the way they are updated to linking all of them to a file in a central folder. I have successfully linked the formula to the current data file, but every month the name of the data file will change. The naming convention is "MONTH YEAR Deposits per Bank", so I need a workaround to use in the SUMPRODUCT formula so it will connect to the file regardless of the month and year.
The formula pulls in the data based on matches with Company # in column P and the Date in Column A. Thank you.
=SUMPRODUCT((RIGHT('[January 2024 Deposits per BANK.xlsx]Merchant'!$A$8:$C$3000,3)=$P$1)*('[January 2024 Deposits per BANK.xlsx]Merchant'!$A$8:$A$3000=$A9)*('[January 2024 Deposits per BANK.xlsx]Merchant'!$C$8:$C$3000))
Cash sheet-1.png
Cash sheet-2.png