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Formula to get a ranking based on three columns

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    Exclamation Formula to get a ranking based on three columns

    So I need a formula to get the ranking for employee, based on three categories: MPOR (most important), Cleanliness Rate, and lastly by attendance rate).

    I am currently using the formula: =RANK.EQ(P3,P$3:P$13,1)+SUMPRODUCT((P$3:P$13=P3)*(R$3:R$13>R3))+SUMPRODUCT((P$3:P$13=P3)*(R$3:R$13=R3)*(Q$3:Q$13>Q3)Column)
    Column P=MPOR Data
    Column Q=Attendance
    Column R= Cleanliness

    As of now, if i change number under Column Q and R, it does not affect the rank number. It seems only Column P and the value in those boxes affects the ranking?

    Attachment 855172
    Last edited by hostmd; 01-15-2024 at 01:59 AM.

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