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list all values that begin with a specific letter

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  1. #1
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    list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Hi, apologies for resurrecting that old thread.

    The formula provided by AliGW in the previous thread about this isn't working for me. excelforum.com/excel-formulas-and-functions/1256982-list-all-values-that-begin-with-a-specific-letter.html#post5029367

    I have a long list of 'names' (multiple words and single words e.g. 'Me Too', 'Tubbies on Telly' or 'Footing') on a sheet. For context this is a logbook of rock climbs in different places.
    On a different sheet I want to list all cells that start with a specific letter that is entered in cell M1.

    I modified Ali's formula to use my sheets =INDEX('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,SMALL(IF(LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,1)=$M$1,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263)),ROW(1:1))-1,1)
    but it returns #VALUE! unless I make it an array formula by doing ctrl+shift+enter, at which point it returns a valid name from the list but this name does not start with the letter entered in cell M1. e.g. M1 = "J", result given is "Thriving Sincerity".

    Is there some I'm missing here?

    I have been generating similar lists from this data, returning the names based on what 'place' I select from a dropdown box using this formula:
    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7642,AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW('all boulders'!$B$12:$B$7642)-ROW('all boulders'!$B$12)+ 1)/('all boulders'!$B$12:$B$7642 =$H$1), ROW('all boulders'!$A1))), "")
    The value in $H$1 is the selected 'place' that I want the list of names to be at. i.e. 'Tubbies on Telly' is at a place called 'Fontainebleau'.
    I am able to drag this formula down until it returns '0' when there are no more names listed as being in Fontainebleau.

    I thought I might be able to modify this formula to list all names beginning with a specific letter by using the LEFT formula instead of the AGGREGATE formula but I can't get it to work.

    I confess I am not knowledgable with excel formula. Up to now I have found answers to my problems by searching the web and manipulating the suggested solutions I find. e.g. I can't explain to you/anyone how the above formula works exactly but I kind of see what it is doing!

    Apologies for the long, potentially confusing, post. I hope one of you amazing peeps can help me out.
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Please attach an Excel file (NOT a .zip file).

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  3. #3
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Looks like I'm off to a great start on this forum!

    Sorry, as an accepted file format for the attachment feature I figured a zip file would be ok.
    I have further stripped out the excel file to make it small enough.

    I look forward to your thoughts and wish everyone a merry Christmas.
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru HansDouwe's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    One way:

    Please try in J5 and confirm the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and copy down:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,SMALL(IF(LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263,1)=$M$1,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$7263)),ROW(1:1))-11,1),"")
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  5. #5
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Another way with array function:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER('all boulders'!D12:D7107,LEFT('all boulders'!D12:D7107)=$M$1,"")))
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    Last edited by DJunqueira; 12-25-2023 at 03:27 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    An alternative, since SORT, UNIQUE and FILTER are not available in Excel 2019, and since array formulae are a bit fiddly to use... this just needs ENTER:

    In m5, copied down:
    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D:$D,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000)/(LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000,1)=$M$1),ROWS(M$5:M5))),"")

    or, if you only want UNIQUE values, in O5, copied down I used (delete, if not required, as it ia little slow)

    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D:$D,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000)/((LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000,1)=$M$1)*(COUNTIF(O$4:O4,'all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000)=0)),1)),"")
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  7. #7
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    "An alternative, since SORT, UNIQUE and FILTER are not available in Excel 2019, and since array formulae are a bit fiddly to use... this just needs ENTER:"

    Good point Glenn, but I went to check and FILTER seems to be present in Excel 2019:

    MS FILTER function

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    That www is notoriously unreliable!!!

  9. #9
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    I jumped from Excel 2016 to Excel 365 so I don't know much, for me that www was reliable.

    Well, at least rewmel will see that it could be simpler in a newer version...

  10. #10
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Thanks to you all for your solutions, they all work perfectly, of course! A lovely xmas present

    I wondered whether these formula are easily edited to cater for the first 2, 3 or 4 letters of each name. I managed to come up with a solution, using Glenn's formula above, where one can enter the number of characters for the search in one cell, type the desired text string in another cell and hey presto, the results pop up!
    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D:$D,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000)/(LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000,$W$1)=$X$1),ROWS(X$5:X5))),"")
    cell W1 being the # of characters
    cell X1 the string of characters

    Thanks all, you are amazing. I love excel and trying to find solutions to my whimsical desires to manipulate my spreadsheets and you all have provided me with more tools to do this. I am self taught and only use excel in a personal space, not for work.

    If it is not too much bother, I would appreciate either links to any tutorials you know of that will teach me what's going on with the ROW function in these formula, or a simple explanation here if it's not too much to ask.

    Regardless, you have given me something new to tinker with and try to figure out for myself.

    Many thanks

  11. #11
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter


    This website is reliable:


  12. #12
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Quote Originally Posted by AliGW View Post
    This website is reliable:

    Great site!!

    Many tks AliGW, this will help.

    Went strait to my library.

  13. #13
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    Thanks again Glenn, crystal clear.

  14. #14
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: list all values that begin with a specific letter

    =IFERROR(INDEX('all boulders'!$D:$D,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000)/(LEFT('all boulders'!$D$12:$D$8000,$W$1)=$X$1),ROWS(X$5:X5))),"")

    =IFERROR(INDEX(the values I want to get back,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW(the row they're on)/(the criterion they must meet=$X$1),a counter- 1,2,3...)),"")

    Red - when the criterion is met
    Green the row number(s) is/are returned
    Cyan in ascending row order number
    Blue starting with the lowest matching row number
    Orange, finaly returning the value in that row from this column
    Black return blanks when no (further) matches are found.


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