I have an excel spreadsheet with starting date and times in columns B and ending date and times in column C. Column D contains a formula that calculates the duration by subtracting column B from column C and is presented as hh:mm:ss. Columns E through AB contain hours in a day from 0 hours to 23 hours. I need help writing formulas for columns E though AB that extract the duration in column D and break down the minutes in 60-minute increments within the respective hours from column E through column AB. The date format in columns B and C is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss. Column D is column C minus column B. As an example, column B is 1/1/2018 6:15:08 and column C is 1/1/2018 9:20:00. Column D will then be 3:04:52. I expect to see 00:44:52 in column K, 00:60:00 in column L, 00:60:00 in column M, and 00:20:00 in column N. I have included a screenshot. I have tried AI and can't seem to get the right answer. Thank you for the Help!
Screenshot 2023-11-17 123411.png