I need to make a formula to find percentages. Here is the scenario:
I do training audits on associates weekly. There is 15 questions on the audit. The amount I perform each week varies. I need a way to show the percentage of "Yes", "No", and "N/A" for all audits that were performed for a given week. For example, if I performed 10 audits for the week of 10/1/2023 to 10/7/2023 and out of those 10 audits there was a total of 80 "Yes", 50 "No", and 20 "N/A". What is the percentage of each of the 3 answers. I would need to repeat this again for the next week and so on.
Also, can this same formula be used where the number of questions varies as well? Some of the other forms I have to track percentages on do not all have the same amount of questions. I believe my brain is just trying to over complicate this. I need assistance sorting through the unnecessary numbers to get to the core of what I need to make this work.
Thank you in advance for any assistance!