Hi all! New to the forum, so please be gentle.
I've been working on this formula for over a week now, and I think I'm at the point where as I look at it to try and insert another function, nothing makes sense. It's all a jumble to me.
What I have is in Column A (with a header):
"Jones, Bob R"
"Smith, Sally A"
(and so on)
What I need as an output:
Bob Jones
Sally Smith
What I've gotten to so far:
Bob R " " Jones
Sally A " " Smith
with the following:
=IF((ISERROR(TRIM(MID(LEFT(A2&" ",SEARCH(" ? ",A2&" A ")),SEARCH(",",A2)+1,99)&LEFT(A2,SEARCH(",",A2)-1))))," ",(TRIM(MID(LEFT(A2&" ",SEARCH(" ? ",A2&" A ")),SEARCH(",",A2)+1,99)&LEFT(A2,SEARCH(",",A2)-1))))
I need the outputs to be blank in the instance that column A does not have any data in it.
Is there a better way to be doing this?
Thanks in advance!
ETA - File with examples - it's literally only what's above.