Paragraph in cell A1: Buy a Arlen Ness Big Sucker Stage 1 Air Kit with Beveled Cover for 17-Up HD Touring Softail and get FREE SHIPPING from our website Order today.
Expected value in B1: Buy a Arlen Ness Big Sucker Stage 1 Air Kit with Beveled Cover for 17-Up HD Touring
Expected value in C1: Softail and get FREE SHIPPING from our website Order today.
What formula should I use in cell B1 and C1 to exactly pull those two 90-90 character sentences without breaking the end word in parts?
I attempted =LEFT(A1,90), but it is giving the value where the last word is breaking i.e. Buy a Arlen Ness Big Sucker Stage 1 Air Kit with Beveled Cover for 17-Up HD Touring Softai
I exactly need formula to give me a complete sentence without seeing end word breaking even if it is less than 90 character.