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Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colored

  1. #1
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    Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colored


    Requirement Manualy calculated, should update when current month is changed in Cell C1

    Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Year to date. Exclude those values which are Yellow highlighted
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colo

    You cannot reference coloured cells in a formula - formatting cannot be used. What is the reason/logic for their being highlighted?

    Is this what you want for YTD?


    And MTD?


    How are you defining your quarters?
    Last edited by AliGW; 07-27-2023 at 02:54 AM.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colo

    Reason for the highlighted is that we have to exclude these cells from addition. if colored cell exclusion is ignored then there is simple solution of Sumifs with dates as criteria.

    This sample data represents amount of expense for each employee per month where highlighted represents that starting from that highlighted month employee terminated and we dont need to take expense for the purpose of reporting Month to date, Quarter to date and year to date expense.

    There are hundred of employees that have highlighted cells starting from different months and i was exploring the possibility of something which can add based on date criteria and also highlighted exclusion.

    I hope that answers the question and I start receiving answers to the query from honorable members of forum.


  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colo

    I hope that answers the question and I start receiving answers to the query from honorable members of forum.
    What is wrong with the answers I gave for YTD and MTD in post #2? Did this not help you?

    I asked you to define your quesrters. I also told you that you cannot use cell highlighting as a criterion in a formula, which is why you need to incorporate the reason for the highlighting into the formula. I did this based on your expected answers.

    You have completely ignored the solutions I offered and my question about quarters. Until you answer that, I can't help further.

    Based on your latest post, I think your sample workbook is probably over-simplified.

  5. #5
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    Re: Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colo

    Using date criteria and some additional criteria i have acheived desired results but not by utliziling highligted cells as mentioned by AliGW but by having helping Row.

    Below formulas i used:

    MTD =SUMIFS(B$3:B$26,$A$3:$A$26,"="&$C$30,$A$3:$A$26,"<="&B$28)

    QTD = SUMIFS(B$3:B$26,$A$3:$A$26,"<="&$C$30,$A$3:$A$26,">="&DATE(YEAR($C$30),CEILING(MONTH($C$30)/3,1)*3-2,1),$A$3:$A$26,"<="&B$28)

    YTD = SUMIFS(B$3:B$26,$A$3:$A$26,"<="&$C$30,$A$3:$A$26,">="&DATE(YEAR($C$30),1,1),$A$3:$A$26,"<="&B$28)
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  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colo

    So is this now solved?

    Glad to have helped.

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  7. #7
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    Re: Formula to add Values based on Criteria as month, Quarter and Yeartodate. Exclude colo

    Thanks AliGW for your help. I really appreciate your prompt responses.

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