I am trying to find a generic way to assign points based on value results, ie I have a columns labeled Test and Test2 with values, and desired results is the Pts in next column which are based on the lookup table (targets)
Need to lookup by col name in lookup table and then value and incorporate the criteria from lookup table within formula, so if I wanted to change a >= to > this would be automatically handled without hardcoding in the formula, and of course it applies the points from the pts column
I have tried to use hardcode sumifs with "test" and hardcode the criteria and pts, which does work to a point, but its not generic, and would like to have a generic formula so if I applied to another col it would use the col name to lookup against whats in the lookup table
This dosent fully work as also need to be bases on key in col A which gives different points based on that aswell.
And icing on cake would be conditional formatting to work on the column data and points
Thanks in advance for any help