What im trying to accomplish is: Formula to count sequentially, adding 1 if previous two row/column criteria don't match, otherwise if a match, then repeat the same #.
I feel like I'm close to getting this to work, but I'm not fully understanding the function of it fully. I found something with a google search that got me in the general direction I need to go. Potentially could save me hours on these data spreadsheets for parent contact info, albeit I've already spent over an hour trying to get it to work properly for my scenario.
heres a sample of a formula I found: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(IF(G13="",E13,G13),IF(G13="",$B$1:$E12,$B$1:$G12),IF(G13="",4,2),0),MAX($B$1:B12)+1)
Let me know what you think.