Hello, in the link below is a sheet with the data i have. Each day of the year in column A and is repeated 24 times except for day 1 which has 16 entries. This data represents the DATA obtained at each our of the day for a whole year, SO each day have 24 data entries in column D which is basically 1 data entry every hour of the day. What i must do is get a random sample from D out of all the day entries and put the result in Column F as indicated. Get 1 random data out of the 24 data entries of each day. So to speak, Day 1, get data from at 13:00, from day 2, data from 19:00 and so on, though the hours are not marked but you have 24 entries per day unless the data is missing. So how can i fix the formula or create a new one?
One thing i dont understand is why the formula works in google sheets but not in excel. The formula works for the first 31 days only for some reason and i get the message in EXCEL in the PC "The first argument of LET must be a valid name" if i try to use the formula in it and dosnt works.... So im left confused, any ideas? Formula that i tried only works in sheets for the first 31 days but dosnt works in excel. =LET(_a,FILTER(ROW(D:D),A:A=ROW()-1),IFERROR(INDEX(D:D,RANDBETWEEN(MIN(_a),MAX(_a))),""))
Here i made an easy-to-understand sample of what i need.
Excel Help.xlsx