I might have asked before but can't remember for sure (I don't want to break any rules).
Can a formula arrange the genres in alphabetical order like this ?
Genre 1 / Genre 2 / Genre 3 and so on
Thank you for your help
I might have asked before but can't remember for sure (I don't want to break any rules).
Can a formula arrange the genres in alphabetical order like this ?
Genre 1 / Genre 2 / Genre 3 and so on
Thank you for your help
J2, copied down:
=TEXTJOIN(" / ",,SORT(TEXTSPLIT([@Genre]," / "),,1,TRUE))
I am on a very slow www connection today, so I have NOT uploaded your rather large file. It would take ages....
None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU
Excellent! Thank you very much Mr. Kennedy.
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