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sumation formula keeps creating a decimal that countifs formula won't read.

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    sumation formula keeps creating a decimal that countifs formula won't read.


    I normally don't post on forums, but I feel i've researched everywhere and I am completely stumped and this point.
    If anybody could please help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

    I made a simple summation formula that finds the difference of 2 cells.
    Then my goal is to count all the numbers within a range of .70 to .79.

    Everything looks good, but for some reason on the last entry the formula is supposed to calculate : 6.64 - 5.94 = .70
    In the cell it displays .70. However, the countifs formula would not count it in the range of .70 to .79.

    So i copied and pasted the value in a different cell, only to find out that despite it showing .70, in the top it shows as .6999999.

    And i dont know how to correct it.
    I have tried all number formating and decimal formating and nothing seems to work. Furthermore, i find it strange that this only happens with 6.64 - 5.94, as all the other ones do not do this.

    The cell is question is c17.

    I am currently using excel 2007. (I know. it's old, but im poor).
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