I am having a conditional formatting problem. I have to format an Excel sheet to show eval completion dates with the following parameters: <30 green, 30-60 days yellow, over 60 days red, and it has to be from the date of the anniversary date but only by the month and day. Plus the Eval completed date has to be able to track not only the month and day, but year by the anniversary date. I can't get the formula right.
(H)Anniversary Date, (I)Appointment Date, (J)Eval Completed Date
6/19/95 4/16/22 12/11/20 (red)
12/5/88 7/1/08 2/3/23 (green)
6/15/16 11/16/20 6/13/22 (yellow)
The appointment date does not play much factor and would only confuse the equation.
Thank you.