Ok. I might be in way over my head with this one, but I am going to give it a go anyways. I have created a scheduling spreadsheet on Excel that takes student class schedules and then displays their work schedules. It's all based on conditional formatting. Basically, I type in when the student's have class, so for example, 8:00-12:00, and then spreadhseet I created uses the conditional formatting to black out the time segments the students cannot work due to classes and makes the cells they can work turn a specified color. There is room for 8 students. Now, what I am trying to do is figure out a way to create a drop-down list in another table based on who is availiable. For example, student 1 and student 3 are the only students that are able to work the 8:30 shift. So what I want to happen is when I go into the second table, there is a dropdown that comes down for the 8:30 shift that only gives me an option to click either student 1 or student 3. Any helpful ideas? I can provide more details if what I am trying to accomplish is not clear.