Thank you tremendously Croweater!! Apologies about the delayed response. We took some badly needed time off for Thanksgiving and then had to play catch up. We have been meaning to Thank you so much for putting this together. The sheet you put together is amazing! We spent about 2 hours trying to figure out how it worked and make a few adjustments and for the life of us, could not fully understand it.
Your suggestion would work perfectly as to hiding the text in the PQR columns. We do have a couple of questions...
In the process of using it, I moved the whole grid a few lines down to add a company logo etc and in result, it ended up screwing up the formula. I managed to get it close to working except for the (6,0) in the formula =VLOOKUP($P9,$A$9:$G$17,6,0). I could not figure out where it referenced. We had to go back to your original.
After we reviewed and discussed the entire thing, turns out, to not confuse people, we need to make 2 small adjustments. I am not sure if excel is even capable of doing it. We need a cell to say something $3 Flat Fee but have your formula/number hidden underneath the text.
Here is what I mean in detail:
1) Under PAYOUT, is it possible to have cell F9 say: "$3 Flat Fee" and the Payout calculate a $3 flat fee from $0 to $9.99.
70% wont work because if the item is $1, our cost would be more than $.30. Reevaluating it, $3 Flat Fee would work for everyone.
2) Is it possible to have this cell F11 say: "85% minus $1" and the Payout calculate accordingly (85% less $1)?
The calculation is accurate, but we are worried someone might not see the -1 to the right and get confused or upset if the payout is different than what they saw or expect.
The only work out we could think of, is to put an image that states these things $3 Flat Fee and 85% minus $1 on top of the cells. To calculate the $3 flat fee, we could put 0% in F9 and put -3 in G9 then cover it with an image. This is at least our nonprofessional approach.
I have reattached the sheet with some comments and red highlights in the area. Really appreciate your help Croweater!!