I am looking for a way, I've been kicking around INDEX MATCH, to create a formula that will accomplish what I have in Column P (manually)
The Order ID and Invoice Number are identical, however, they are not unique. I know index match can do this, frozen to a lookup value, but is there a way to make it dynamic so that I can drag the formula in P?
Vlookup, of course returns the first found value relating to the lookup value in all instances in column N but they need to change based on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th ect....instances of the same ID. I do not have the data in Column E on the dataset in L:P. If I did, a simple VLOOKUP would do the trick.
I attached a JPEG and a sample of the dataset in the same format. The actual workbook is probably better as it contains more examples of multiple different items under one Order ID/InvoiceNumber.
The whole dataset is so large, it will take a week to do it manually.
Thank you for your help!