Hello everyone,
This topic has come up a few times on here, and I have found those answers very useful in creating a golf handicap tracking worksheet.
I am one formula away from perfecting this, due to the help I have found on here and other sites.
The formula I have used to calculate the handicap uses an array to get the lowest 8 scores from the last 20 in a list which can be added to with the last 20 moving down the list as one new score is added. It then averages the 8 lowest from that array.
The issue I have is that it ignores duplicate values and uses the 8 lowest unique values.
The formula should include all of the yellow numbers in the image as well as the two orange numbers, but as those are identical it ignores one and goes to the red number, the next highest, which throws out the final number in J25
I have hit the limit of my expertise here, and would greatly appreciate it if someone with more knowledge than me could take a look at this and let me know if what i am asking is even possible and how to to it....
Golf Handicap.xlsx