OK, I am new here, so go easy on me, please.
I have a matrix of data and I want a formula that will return an ARRAY where I need the formula to locate a single column (based on date) and then find all rows in that column that have a 1 in them, then return the contents of a different column for those rows. Gosh, its so hard to explain, especially when I've spent hours trying every conceivable thing to solve it.
The catch: It has to work pre-dynamic array functions. I can do this formula easily in O365 using the filter function:
=FILTER(E2:E9,FILTER(H2:AG9,H1:AG1=C11)=1) where H1:AG1 is a row with dates, and C11 is the date I'm looking for.
As I am sure my description is horrid, I've attached a simple workbook to explain Excel-Help-Array-PreDynamic.xlsx.
I hope someone can help with this!
Thanks so much.