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BYROW(...LAMBDA(...) ) result in #CALC! error

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    BYROW(...LAMBDA(...) ) result in #CALC! error


    As print screen below, I have some text (A1:A3) that I'd like to split.

    The delimiter are ( , / ; | : ).

    I was able to split it using FILTERXML and SUBSTITUTE (as shown in column E to K depending on the number of text). However, when I'd like it to be return the result dynamically both horizontally and vertically, I get #CALC! error.

    Question now is how do I incorporate my dynamic array result horizontally down vertically based on the size of my data.

    My working formula:
    Not working formula:
    LAMBDA(br, TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<M><D>"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(br,",","||"),"/","||"),";","||"),":","||"),"||","</D><D>")&"</D></M>","//D")))
    SplitText Dynamically.png
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