Best thought is an iF statement that if unit price is 1 it will be a 6 character/digit that starts with the AB followed by unit price. Thanks!
Best thought is an iF statement that if unit price is 1 it will be a 6 character/digit that starts with the AB followed by unit price. Thanks!
Last edited by itshere; 04-25-2022 at 12:55 PM.
text in B2
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is there an IF statement that can be derived from this?
issues with that because the second line already has AB12 so it uses that instead of the AB2000
Try the following:Formula:
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Function findAB(r As Range) As String Dim t() As String xstr = r t = Split(xstr, " ") For i = 0 To UBound(t) x = Trim(t(i)) If Left(x, 2) = "AB" And Len(x) = 6 And IsNumeric(Mid(x, 3, 4)) Then findAB = x Exit Function End If Next i findAB = "" End Function
Next time... please read the yellow banner (top) and attach an Excel sheet to work with... not a picture of one.
=FILTERXML("<A><B>"&SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","</B><B>")&"</B></A>","//B[starts-with(., 'AB') and string-length()=6]")
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