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Help with dividing Cell into Equal Amounts?

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    Question Help with dividing Cell into Equal Amounts?

    I work in manufacturing. Part of my job is to determine the number of pallets that are going to be required on each job and print sheets for these jobs to be put on the pallets in the warehouse. These are job specific labels to identify pallets in the warehouse.

    I have built a spreadsheet to figure out the total number on sheets that I need to print out. I think that I have things figured out except, I cannot figure out the formulas in Columns M, N, O, P. When the column L amount is more than 250, I need to split the printed amount in an equal amount in multiple envelopes, other than in column M. It also needs to have column I added to it. (i.e. Row 4 would be 2 envelopes. Row 5 would be 3 envelopes. Row 6 would be 4 envelopes).

    Any help would be appreciated!!!!


    I have added roughly to the spreadsheet what I am trying to get with the splitting of the amount.
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    Last edited by afprinter; 03-08-2022 at 02:03 PM.

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