I have attached a workbook in which I calculate leadtimes for jobs.
All workers have a start and finish date, as well as a capacity percentage for that given availability (see table 1)
Each job has a defined duration in number of Man Days, i.e. the number of work days to complete the task for one FTE (full time employee), as well as a start date for the job. (see table 3).
By using the calculations given in table 2, I am able to come up with the following results:
- Duration for the job in number of work days based on the assumption that all available resources are using their capacity to contribute to the job, e.g. doubling the number of FTEs will cut the duration in half. (cell D23)
- Duration for the job in number of calendar days. (cell E23)
- Finish date for the job based on start date + number of calculated calendar days. (cell F23)
I want to bypass the need for table 2 for these calculations, and instead have formulas in cells D23, E23 and F23 which calculates these results directly from what is given in table 1 and table 3.
Can someone have a look?
Best regards,