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Need help making a formula for % chance of all combinations of [set 1] + [set 2] > k

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2021

    Need help making a formula for % chance of all combinations of [set 1] + [set 2] > k

    To give an example situation of the formula I need:

    Golden State Warriors vs Utah Jazz's past matchups within the last 4 years show that GS scores between [79-132] and Utah between [92-126] (dataset 1 and 2, respectively). Voiding all possibilities of draws, and assuming all other combinations of scores in these ranges are equally likely, the probability that this matchup will score a total greater than ___ is ___%.

    Essentially trying to get a % chance output where x>k from a giant probability tree, but voiding where both datasets would use/add the same number.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Excel 365 version 2501

    Re: Need help making a formula for % chance of all combinations of [set 1] + [set 2] > k

    Hello N0043 and Welcome to Excel Forum.
    This proposes a low-tech way:
    1. Populate B1 with the value used for K
    2. Populate B2 with: =COUNTIFS(D2:AL55,">"&B1,D2:AL55,"<>")/COUNTIFS(D2:AL55,"<>")
    3. Populate C2:C55 with GS scores: 79:132 (this may be quickly done typing 79 into cell C2, right clicking the fill handle, pull down and back up, select series, select column and type 132 into the Stop Value window)
    4. Populate D1:AL1 with Utah Jazz scores 92:126 (this may be quickly done typing 92 into cell D1, right clicking the fill handle, pull down and back up, select series, row should already be selected and type 126 into the Stop Value window)
    5. Populate D2:AL55 with: =IF($C2=D$1,"",SUM($C2,D$1))
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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