Regards. I'm looking for help with this:
In a variable range (A2:B61), the following data is recorded: date and occurrence; the latter will be one of these 3: "A", "B" or "L"). Search for a formula that returns one of three possible results: AL, BA, or LT
For the result "AL" to be valid, it must be fulfilled that:
The sum of "A" is = or > 3.
The sum of A is > B.
At least 4 occurrences of "A", have occurred with a date after the last date of occurrence of "B"
It is not valid if the sum of "A" < 3, if the sums of "A" and "B" are equal, that there have been no occurrences of "B" once point 3 has been fulfilled.
For the "BA" result to be valid, the following must be true:
The sum of "B" is = or > 3.
The sum of B is > A.
At least 4 occurrences of "B", have occurred with a date after the last date of occurrence of "A"
It is not valid if the sum of "B" < 3, if the sums of "A" and "B" are equal, that there have been no occurrences of "A" once point 3 has been met.
For all other situations that do not meet the conditions for AL and BA the result will be LT
I've tried several formulas and I don't get what I'm looking for. I use Excel 2016 and Windows 7. Thanks for the feedback.