Hi All,
Apologies if I don't have my terminology wrong here, I have never done a VLOOKUP by myself
What I would like the VLOOKUP to do is, look up a persons name from the tables on another sheet and paste the phone number.
The formula works however, what I cant work out is, if the list isn't sorted alphabetically the value it pastes is the wrong value
IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B3 & C3,'Contact Details'!A$3:C$114,3),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B3 & C3,'Contact Details'!I$3:K$34,3),VLOOKUP(B3 & C3,'Contact Details'!Q$3:S$36,3)))
Please note, I googled to get where I am at the moment. Is there something I am missing.