Hi and welcome to the forum
Pictures are of little value. Honestly, no one wants to re-type your data to try and solve your issue. Additionally, we would only be guessing at how your data was structured, ie. formulas, formatting, etc. Additionally, due to how some browsers behave, many of our members cannot see uploaded pictures/images. Please do not take this route.
Please attach a sample file that represents what you have. The structure of your attachment should be the same structure as your actual data. Any proprietary information should be changed.
Include in the attachment any code you're currently using (whether it works or not) and an "After" of what you wish the output to be.
To attach a file to your post,
click advanced (next to quick post),
scroll down until you see "manage file",
click that and select "add files" (top right corner).
click "select files" find your file, click "open" click "upload" click 'done" bottom right. click "submit reply"
Once the upload is completed the file name will appear below the input boxes in this window.
You can then close the window to return to the new post screen.