Hello Everyone and happy new year,
I came across "Name range/Define range" and as I understand it, it is a function(?) that can help simplify/shorten formulas.
In the attached file, I have setup three sheets called Jan, Feb & Mar. In the 4.th sheet called Total, I defined Jan, Feb & Mar as "Months".
As you can see on Sheet "Total" In Cell B3,
Jan Sheet.jpg..................Total Sheet.jpg
I managed to use Index together with Match formula, to receive the Total from Sheet "Jan" with the formula:
Now I am wondering, if I can replace the reference to the location in the sheets by using the defined range, or is it even possible to use the named range to shorten a formula on such way?
It would be a "nice to have", to avoid copying the formula and to change every time the month. Maybe it is possible?
I tried in Cell C4 to modify the formula by replacing the cell-name with:
and the formula then looks like this:
Unfortunately, I end up with an error, so my question is, am I doing something wrong or is it even possible?
Thank you for any help