I would be very grateful if someone could help me with what is probably a simple problem. I have attached a spreadsheet that hopefully clearly illustrates the problem. In this spreadsheet, the first column lists various categories, each of which has many entries (in this example the two columns with values are labelled "High" and "Low"). I am then trying to find the maximum value for one of these categories (in the example, "Low") in column "Pigs", which I do successfully using this formula:
{=MAX(IF(A2:A11=A13,B2:B11))} Here the formula only looks for maximum values when the word "Low" is found in the first column
Next, I am trying to read off the value for this row in the "Cows" COLUMN. I attempt this using the following formula:
The problem is, that this formula establishes the value to search for (20) but then searches through all values in column "Cows", not just the values associated with "Low". Because one of the "High" category also has a value of 20, the formula returns the values of "Cows" for this, rather than the one I want. How can I get the correct value here? I need a way of telling excel to only extract the value in the "Cows" column at the exact row given by the first formula.
Hopefully this is sufficiently clear. Many thanks for the help.