I am trying to create a timesheet that will double as an invoice. I created tables (cell A1 - D91) on the "Dropdown Lists" tab and added VLOOKUP on the "TS-1" tab, cell O17. On the TS-1 tab, I want cell O17 to calculate the regular hourly bill rate, and Q17 to calculate the OT bill rate. TS-1 cell O17 should take the appropriate percentage rate (attached on the Dropdown Lists tab in cells B, C, & D 1-91 and formulated with VLOOKUP) I believe I have Q17 set up properly already to do the OT math. I was able to get part of the way through the formula but ran into a snag when the vlookup did pull the corresponding percentage rate, but the math I did added the percentage as a decimal to the value of N17, which is not correct. Ultimately, the math should be (payrate) + (payrate x percentage markup) = regular hourly bill rate OR N17 + N17* percentage rate for site listed in B11 = regular hourly bill rate. Thanks for all your direction.