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IF with dates and conditions

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  1. #1
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    IF with dates and conditions

    Hello everyone, I'm kind of new here but I wonder if I could get help,
    I'm currently in training so the situations I'm talking about are not real ones with real impact.
    I'm not that good at excel and I'm trying to make an automated sheet to remind me which "client" I need to contact for late fees.

    I want a cell to tell me next to the clients' name If I'm awaiting an answer or if I need to send a mail reminding them of the payment due.
    On my Client data tab I added a small table, to be able to change period between reminders
    X days after Invoice payment is due
    Y days after 1st reminder
    Z days after 2nd reminder.

    all the cells used in the tab I'm using are dates

    I can highlight with colors if the deadline is up the cell goes in red, and if we still have time it's green.
    So my idea was to get a cell to tell you what to do, for example my first reminder is sent on dec 9th, I'm waiting for an answer; second case, my deadline is passed I need to send a 1st reminder.

    I Tried to do it with the following formula, but excel says it has too many arguments, so I messed up.
    I used "ISBLANK" but I never used that before so I don't know if this is properly used.

    =IF([at[Invoice date]]<(TODAY()-'duedate'!$I$2);
    IF(ISBLANK[at[Reminder 1]];"Send first reminder";
      IF([at[Reminder 1]]<(TODAY()-'duedate'!$J$2);
        IF(ISBLANK[at[Reminder 2]];
        "Send second reminder";
             IF([at[Reminder 2]]<(TODAY()-'duedate'!$K$2);
             "Awating answer from 2nd reminder");
        "Awaiting answer from 1st reminder")
        "Awaiting Payment")
    (had to replace the proper character with "at" so I could post sorry for any confusion)

    Is the thing I want to do even possible ? if so what am I doing wrong ?
    Thank you for your help
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    Last edited by Nours; 12-12-2021 at 04:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    Welcome to the forum.

    There are instructions at the top of the page explaining how to attach your sample workbook.

    A good sample workbook has just 10-20 rows of representative that has been desensitised. It also has expected results mocked up, relevant cells highlighted and a few explanatory notes.

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  3. #3
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    Hi ! yes sorry I guess I got confused here is what I work with (unless I didn't managed to attach it properly)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    And you definitely have Excel 2019 and not MS365?

    Explain these numbers:

    AliGW on MS365 Insider (Windows) 64 bit

    Delay Invoice due Delay 1st reminder Delay 2nd reminder
    Sheet: Répertoire Clients

  5. #5
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    oh you are right..... I have Version 2111 Build 16.0.14701.20206

    D Is number of day after Invoice is made, until it's considered unpaid (so 1st reminder needed)
    E Is number of day after 1st reminder, until we have no answer, so the first remider deadline is passed we need to send a 2nd one
    F is number of day with no answers and the client is now "Contentious"

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    Sorry - I don't understand the sample data as presented. Explain in WORDS how the three clients on the test sheet meet the criteria.

  7. #7
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    Row 1 = Titles
    Row 2 = Invoice over 60 days old(red); 1st reminder less than 30 days old(green) : we need to wait for the answer/payment
    Row 3 = Invoice over 60 days old(red); 1st reminder more than 30 days old(red); 2nd reminder more than 15 days old(red); Client will be classified as "contentious"
    Row 4 = Invoice payment is overdue; but not enough time to justify a reminder(60 days); (yellow) : we are still awaiting for the payment (even if it's currently late)
    Row 5 = Invoice payment isn't late yet(green) ; we are waiting for the payment
    Row 6 = Invoice over 60 days old(red); 1st reminder more than 30 days old(red); 2nd reminder less than 15 days old(green); we are waiting for an answer/payment
    Row 7 = Invoice over 60 days old(red); 1st reminder more than 30 days old(red); the 2nd reminder has not be sent (cell empty) : we need to send a 2nd reminder to the client.

    I hope this can clear it a bit
    I'm sorry if it's confusing I'm not used to make stuff like this

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    No, sorry, not for me. Someone else will probably get it.

  9. #9
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    I recommend to add an "Invoice Due Date" column and also generate a better set of data as you have "Invoice Dates" nearly 2 years old (row 2).

    I don't even understand (nor agree with) your conditional formatting rules.

    And show the expected results i.e the "Alert" message(s) you require.
    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

  10. #10
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    Thank you for your help.

    I should have removed the Client code column, use the invoice as a client number.
    I don't have many clients on the datasheet for now since I don't have access to the database during week ends. I do not care for the clients codes for now

  11. #11
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    I'm sorry I can't generate better data; because it's sadly the data I have to work with.
    We are a virtual company for training, and so are our clients. The average trainee will stay between 4 month and 6 month there.
    With the Sanitary situation we could not get access to the invoices from two years ago, neither could our clients.
    We are the first back and have to sort this all out.

    Yes some invoices are over two years olds, but the client is probably not aware it even exists, since the trainees were not there.
    So if we see a two year old invoice, we need to send a reminder to pay, as we notice it, and the people there also need time to sort it out.
    That's why we have 2years old invoice, only reminded now to our clients.
    We more or less randomly choose 60 days to sent reminders so we can begin to sort for ourselves, what doesn't need to be touched yet, given we have 2 years to catch up.
    So maybe it was not the right choice to highlight the date as I did but I don't personally see what a new column would bring, that a quick Today()-(numbers of days) or Invoice date + (number of days) could not.

    I wanted to do this to easily follow in the first column so me and my colleagues rapidly see what we have to do.
    They are even less knowledgeable on excel that I am, I don't want them to have to deal with many columns if I can prevent it

    My logic was

    If the invoice is less than 2 month old I want to cell to read "Wait for answer/payment"
    If it's more than 2 month old; check if the 1st reminder was sent (if the cell is empty it's has not) ; if it's not sent I want the cell to read "Send 1st reminder"
    If it's sent, has it been less than a month ; if so, the cell reads "Wait for answer/payment (1st reminder)"
    If it's more than a month; was the 2nd reminder sent (same as before, if it's empty, it was not sent); if it wasn't sent "Send 2nd reminder"
    If this has been less than two weeks "Wait for answer/payment (2nd reminder)"
    if it's been more than two weeks, the client is known as contentious for that invoice(except, we can't cut ties with clients, since all of this is for learning purposes; there are no concequences if they don't pay)

    All of this aside; Is it possible to have that many conditions ?
    Thank you all for trying to help I really appreciate it

  12. #12
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    Re: IF with dates and conditions

    I managed to do what I wanted I needed to use IFS and not many IF

    =IFS([at[Invoice date]]>=((TODAY()-'duedate'!$I$2);
    "Awaiting payment";
    [at[Reminder 1]]="";
    "Send 1st Reminder";
    [at[Reminder 1]]>=(TODAY()-'duedate'!$J$2);
    "Awaiting answer (1st reminder)";
    [at[Reminder 2]]="";
    "Send 2nd Reminder";
    [at[Reminder 2]]>=(TODAY()-'duedate'!$K$2);
    "Awaiting answer (2nd reminder)";
    [at[Reminder 2]<(TODAY()-'duedate'!$K$2);
    Thank you to everyone that tried to help

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