Okay this is awesome! I just uploaded the most recent file with all the conditional formatting!!
The only thing I'm unsure of with the CF is if it IS NOT any of the crews with particular formats (our in-house crews), I would want it formatted as a separate color. So I need to change that CF formula you gave me to an IF NOT TRUE of "Alonzo", "Chepe", etc.. RETURN whatever other color I choose to set it up as.
To answer your questions, I just started filling in the template I dl'd from this forum. I couldn't figure out how the Calendar was referencing the columns because it didn't matter where I put the column. So I just kept moving it around until we got it to where we wanted it. We decided we only want the PO & Name on the calendar, so we really don't even need it to reference 2 columns, but I don't know how to change it. Maybe if I could, that would erase the need for column N.
And as for Pete's workbook, I'd like to port the Event_Data sheet into my current version of the Metal Production to accomplish the auto-fill of the multi-day jobs into the calendar. I prefer the 6 weeks, so we can see the overlap of the schedule from previous and next months. I also like the drop down for choosing the months.