Thanks XLent
This does exactly what I need it to do. The only problem I have now is if I convert my current spreadsheets to Tables it seems to break other things
is it possible to do the same but without making tables?
Thanks XLent
This does exactly what I need it to do. The only problem I have now is if I convert my current spreadsheets to Tables it seems to break other things
is it possible to do the same but without making tables?
This now works on filter using XLent approach: and I would not worry to much about INDIRECT and performance for a few sheets!
=SUMPRODUCT((INDIRECT("'Project Projections "&$D$4&"'!$E$8:$E$28"))*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections "&$D$4&"'!$B$8:$B$28")>='Stock Requirement'!G$8)*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections " & $D$4 &"'!$C$8:$C$28")<='Stock Requirement'!G$9)*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections " & $D$4 &"'!$D$8:$D$28")='Stock Requirement'!$C10)*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections " & $D$4 &"'!$D$8:$D$28")='Stock Requirement'!$C10)*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections " & $D$4 &"'!$F$8:$F$28")=1))
If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.
Yes, I just used Tables for sake of expediency -- if you were to highlight both Tables in my earlier attachment and "Convert to Range" you will find the master table simply references the now defunct table ranges it possible to do the same but without making tables?
(obviously you can have non-volatile dynamic names if you need them to expand/contract as you add data, akin to Table behaviour)
I fully accept @JohnTopley's note regards prudent use of Volatiles however, IME on this board (over the years) I've seen enough examples of people complaining of calc overhead to advocate non-volatile alternatives wherever feasible - esp. as we only have a limited idea of the calc tree dependencies etc; the use of the SUBTOTAL field on each source range is always worthwhile as it greatly simplifies the calculation, irrespective of volatility concerns.
@XLent:I must remember your SUBTOTAL "trick"-something I was unaware of. Never too old to learn!
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