I would change your dates in rows 8 and 9 as having TEXT dates is not good practice
in G8
in G9
copy both across
Formulas are going to further complicated as you need to use INDIRECT to reference the "Variable" sheets.
in G10 [as example]
=SUMPRODUCT((INDIRECT("'Project Projections "&$D$4&"'!$E$8:$E$28"))*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections "&$D$4&"'!$B$8:$B$28")>='Stock Requirement'!G$8)*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections " & $D$4 &"'!$C$8:$C$28")<='Stock Requirement'!G$9)*(INDIRECT("'Project Projections " & $D$4 &"'!$D$8:$D$28")='Stock Requirement'!$C10))