Hi guys,
So I have a sample spreadsheet attached. Keep in mind this spreadsheet will be long so the formula can't be hard coded data. What I am looking for is this:
You have the following:
Column B - SSN
Column G - Length of Acct #
Column H - Last 2 digits of Acct #
IF for a given SSN in Column B (the normal spreadsheet will have MANY SSNs so formula needs to be dynamic), the person has a 01 in Column H and a 16 in Column B then I want the text "Review" in column E on the first row for that SSN.
In the full spreadsheet, some SSNs may have 3 rows of data and some may have 15 so the formula needs to be able to look through each row for a given SSN, then look to see if 01 and 16 are both present and then put "Review" in Column E.
Thanks for the help!