
Using a set of 5 different menu drop downs I am trying to filter a shared Excel document in Microsoft Teams (Can not use VBA or Macros).

This document is auto populated by a Form so rows are added and edits are made often. I created a separate worksheet in the workbook that is being auto-populated by the form where edits are made which has 5 data validation dropdowns based off of the variables in 5 different rows.

Using the tutorial I'm going to add in the comments.

I was able to filter the document with one of the items I wanted to filter by but I'm not able to use multiple filters.

This is the formula I came up with for the cells that I want to be filtered:
=IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $C2,COLUMNS($N$2:N2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001,$E2,COLUMNS($O$2:O2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $G2,COLUMNS($P$2:P2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $I2,COLUMNS($Q$2:Q2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $K2,COLUMNS($R$2:R2)), " ")))))

Any help with this would be extremely appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!