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Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

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  1. #1
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    Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index


    Using a set of 5 different menu drop downs I am trying to filter a shared Excel document in Microsoft Teams (Can not use VBA or Macros).

    This document is auto populated by a Form so rows are added and edits are made often. I created a separate worksheet in the workbook that is being auto-populated by the form where edits are made which has 5 data validation dropdowns based off of the variables in 5 different rows.

    Using the tutorial I'm going to add in the comments.

    I was able to filter the document with one of the items I wanted to filter by but I'm not able to use multiple filters.

    This is the formula I came up with for the cells that I want to be filtered:
    =IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $C2,COLUMNS($N$2:N2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001,$E2,COLUMNS($O$2:O2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $G2,COLUMNS($P$2:P2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $I2,COLUMNS($Q$2:Q2)), IFERROR(INDEX(ResponseEdits!$D$2:$N$2001, $K2,COLUMNS($R$2:R2)), " ")))))

    Any help with this would be extremely appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    It won't let me post the url which had the tutorial.

    it was on trumpexcel.com

    and was called: extract-data-from-drop-down-list

  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    I also found this tutorial on exceljet.net:


    But again it's only filtering by 1 variable not 5.

  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    Can you download the file and then attach it here? Please read the yellow banner at the top of the page.

  5. #5
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    Thank you! Here is the spreadsheet. I made up some info that could be used as a filter and added the formulas.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    If I understand correctly then the attached file does what you want.
    1. The filter formulas in columns B:F are all similar to: =IF(A2="","",IF(INDEX(ResponseEdits!D$2:D$21,MATCH(A2,ResponseEdits!$C$2:$C$21,0))=$I$3,A2,""))
    2. The formula that consolidates the filtered ref's in column G is: =IFERROR(SMALL($F$2:$F$21,A2),"")
    Other formulas are unchanged from those in the file attached to post #5.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    You are using 365 so I think you should be able to use the new dynamic array formulas.
    Secondly, I would recommend you "ResponseEdits" data be in an Excel Table. In my example I've done that, you can do it without creating an Excel Table as well.

    You should be able to get all results with one formula in one cell - in Cell N2, try this:

    See attached.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    Thank you!

    That is almost perfect! I was hoping that if one of the drop downs was empty it would stop filtering by that variable.

    Is that possible?

    Thank you again so much!!!

  9. #9
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    Who (which solution) are you responding to? For my solution it will show "None" if there are no matches so I'm not sure what you mean by "stop filtering by that variable".

  10. #10
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    As for the proposal in post #6, change the formula in columns B:F to read:
    Formula: copy to clipboard

    Let us know if you have any questions.
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  11. #11
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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

    JeteMc That is perfect!!!!!

    Thank you both so much!!! It's working like magic now!!!

    I wasn't certain if Excel could even do this.

    You both are lifesavers!

    Thank you again!!!!

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    Re: Dynamically Auto Filtering a Shared Excel Document In Teams With IFERROR and Index

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