Quote Originally Posted by Bo_Ry View Post
Please try at C3

=SUM(MMULT(TRANSPOSE(--'Units Sold by Model & Market'!C$3:C$211),--(INT((ROW($A$3:$A$211)-ROW($A$3))/21)=COLUMN($A$1:$J$1)-1))*'Parts Table'!$D3:$M3)



=MMULT('Parts Table'!$D3:$M3,MMULT(--(INT((COLUMN($A$1:$HA$1)-1)/21)=ROW($A$1:$A$10)-1),--'Units Sold by Model & Market'!C$3:C$211))

normal enter
Bo_Ry, thank you for this formula. I need to only count those markets where the part is used. Thus, if the user
enters a zero in the "Increase %" for a specific market then I don't want to count the sales in that market. I
think this formula is counting all of the sales irrespective of having a zero in the "Increase %". If I enter your
formula it provides me the same answer that my example did. However, if I place a zero into the "Increase %"
for market 1, the value counted in cell C3 of the Parts Sold Table does not change. Can you please confirm.
Thank you.