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Formula Too Long Problem

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    Formula Too Long Problem

    Hello fellow members. I am having a problem with a formula too long issue that I am hoping you
    can help me with. I have a table of parts and within that table there can be 10 different models
    and it can be sold in 20 different markets.

    This table structure is used extensively throughout the workbook, so I am hoping I don't have to
    change it in order to accomplish what I need to, which is to sum the total # of parts sold by month
    for each model & each market the part is sold. Not every model may use the part and so the
    user would just enter a zero for the quantity in the table under that model.

    The part cost may be higher or lower than the base cost in each of the 20 markets sold and so the
    user can enter a % increase/decrease for each of the 20 markets. However, not every market will
    sell the part & so my thought was to have the user enter a 0% in the market increase % to indicate

    The problem is that when I multiply the quantity used by each of the ten models for each of the
    20 markets (if the % of the market is zero) I get the error the formula is too long. I have tried to
    come up with a different methodolgy, but so far have not been able to come up with anything &
    still accomplish what I need to without changing the base structure of the table.

    I have attached an Excel workbook as an example. The formula that is highlighted in the Parts
    Sold Table shows the formula for just two models and two markets. If this formula is expanded to
    include the ten models & 20 markets I need Excel indicates it's too long.

    I look forward to any assistance you can provide me.
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